AWS Installation: Linux AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Tomcat)

Install for AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Tomcat) Instructions on how to install the Retrace Linux Agent and Java APM on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Installing Stackify Linux Agent Create a new file named stackify.config in your application’s .ebextensions folder. Learn More about .ebextensions. Add the following to your stackify.config file: Replace [INSERT ACTIVATION KEY] with your activation key value. Optionally you can …

AWS Installation: Linux AWS EC2

Install for AWS EC2 Instructions on how to install the Stackify Linux Agent AWS EC2 (Amazon Linux). Installing Stackify Linux Agent SSH into your AWS EC2 instance ssh -i [cert.pem] ec2-user@[x.x.x.x] Download and Install Replace [INSERT ACTIVATION KEY] with your activation key value. You can find your activation key under Settings: Account. wget –output-document=stackify.tar.gz && \ tar -zxvf stackify.tar.gz …

Linux Installation: RedHat and CentOS

Instructions on how to install the Retrace Linux Agent on RedHat and CentOS based Linux systems. You can install by using the yum package manager directly. The following commands are intended to be ran with root permissions. Installing with Yum Add Stackify’s yum repository. wget -qO – | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/stackify.repo Install Stackify Linux Agent. sudo yum install stackify-agent …

Linux Installation: Ubuntu and Debian

Instructions on how to install the Retrace Linux Agent on Ubuntu and Debian based Linux systems. You can install by using the apt package manager directly. The following commands are intended to be ran with root permissions. Installing with Apt Add Stackify’s apt repository. echo ‘deb stable main’ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stackify.list Trust Stackify’s GPG key. wget -qO – …

.NET Agent Installation: Configure Windows Services

By default Retrace only profiles applications hosted within IIS. If you want Retrace to capture transactions from an application running as a Windows service, please follow these directions. Step 1. Install Retrace Windows Agent with the option for Windows Services with one of the below options: Option 1. New install in interactive mode: Upon installing check the box for Enabling the …

Troubleshoot: Common Azure App Service Issues

Below are common Azure App Service issues. ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ Not Found If you encounter the error “Could not load file or assembly ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.”, download and install our NuGet package that will install the module into your project: Nuget: Stackify Http Module Using the “WEBSITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION” Azure Setting We can’t support APM …