Servers: Overview

On this page you will get an overview of all the active servers installed on your account, which can be grouped and displayed by Operating System or Environment. Here is where you can view the Server Dashboard, Remove the Server, view the Server Details, Modify Monitors, and Manage Access. Server Dashboard In the Server Dashboard view, you get access to …

Retrace: Agent Installation Overview, System Requirements, App Monitoring & Profiling

Below are the System Requirements and guides for installing an agent on your machine. System Requirements In order to make sure your installation goes smoothly, please verify these prerequisites: Windows 2008 R2 and newer. Supported versions of Linux include all major Linux distributions (Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian and more). You will need to install the Stackify Agent on each machine …

FAQ: How Do I Avoid Deploying the Retrace Agent in Azure On Roles That I Do Not Want to Monitor?

If you followed our instructions for deploying to Azure roles but want to make sure that you don’t install the agent on certain roles (roles used for Dev or QA for example), you can do something like the following to perform a selective deployment. Selective Deployment Instructions 1. Add a config setting to ServiceDefinition.csdef called “DeployStackify”, ie. <ConfigurationSettings> <Setting name=”DeployStackify” …

Azure Installation: Management Certificate

In order for Retrace to give you the full power of our platform as an Azure subscriber, you will want to upload your encoded management certificate. This will allow us to more seamlessly and accurately monitor your environment, and it enables us to detect things like when an instance has been removed from your deployment, or when you have VIP-swapped …

Release Notes: May 2014

Custom Date Ranges Want to zero in on metrics and diagnostics over a specific period of time to investigate an issue around the time that it occurred? Stackify now offers Custom Date Ranges to enable you to do just that. To learn about the details, view the Custom Date Ranges article.   HTTP Proxies By properly configuring the proxy to …