Performance: Transaction Settings

For each unique web request and database transaction in your app there are some advanced settings you can use to tailor how they are tracked by Retrace APM+. Some points to note about Key Transactions: Unchecking “Track” or “Errors” for a request will not remove historical data, but future data will be ignored. There is no way to apply settings …

Errors: Ignore Exceptions

In Retrace’s Errors Dashboard you can mark errors as “Ignored” so that it will not be tracked as an error or show up in the default view of the Errors Dashboard. This is ideal for eliminating unwanted noise from errors you really don’t care about. Here are the following steps to take to mark an error type as “Ignored”: 1. …

Servers: Overview

On this page you will get an overview of all the active servers installed on your account, which can be grouped and displayed by Operating System or Environment. Here is where you can view the Server Dashboard, Remove the Server, view the Server Details, Modify Monitors, and Manage Access. Server Dashboard In the Server Dashboard view, you get access to …