Azure Installation: Management Authentication

Retrace Azure Integration Overview Retrace integrates with Azure via the Azure Rest API to determine the status of servers and services during Creation, Removal, Scale Up and Scale Down events.  Retrace supports monitoring for both Cloud Services (Classic) and App Services (Web sites, Functions, etc..). To acquire resource information Retrace uses OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens on the Azure account to …

Azure Installation: Configure Azure Functions

Retrace supports Azure Functions in App Service Plan mode. It will treat Azure Functions as a transaction, similar to a web application or a Tracked Function.  It supports all of the same dependencies and will provide all of the same great insights to application performance as it does for web applications and windows services. Note: Retrace does not work in “consumption” …

Azure Installation: Configure Azure WebJobs

Retrace now supports Azure WebJobs.  Azure WebJobs provide an easy way to run scripts or programs as background processes in the context of an App Service web app, API app, or mobile app. Retrace will provide all of the same great insights to application performance as it does for web applications and windows services. Within Retrace, WebJobs will be monitored …

Troubleshoot: Common Azure App Service Issues

Below are common Azure App Service issues. ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ Not Found If you encounter the error “Could not load file or assembly ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.”, download and install our NuGet package that will install the module into your project: Nuget: Stackify Http Module Using the “WEBSITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION” Azure Setting We can’t support APM …

Azure Installation: Configure Azure App Services

Retrace’s powerful web application performance monitoring (APM+) is fully supported on Azure Web Apps. All APM related features are supported, such as identifying slow web pages, slow database queries, and viewing complete method level profile traces. Note: Some basic monitoring features like monitoring IIS metrics, WMI, and performance counters are not supported via Microsoft, and therefore not supported by Retrace. …

FAQ: How Do I Avoid Deploying the Retrace Agent in Azure On Roles That I Do Not Want to Monitor?

If you followed our instructions for deploying to Azure roles but want to make sure that you don’t install the agent on certain roles (roles used for Dev or QA for example), you can do something like the following to perform a selective deployment. Selective Deployment Instructions 1. Add a config setting to ServiceDefinition.csdef called “DeployStackify”, ie. <ConfigurationSettings> <Setting name=”DeployStackify” …