FAQ: How Do I Avoid Deploying the Retrace Agent in Azure On Roles That I Do Not Want to Monitor?

If you followed our instructions for deploying to Azure roles but want to make sure that you don’t install the agent on certain roles (roles used for Dev or QA for example), you can do something like the following to perform a selective deployment. Selective Deployment Instructions 1. Add a config setting to ServiceDefinition.csdef called “DeployStackify”, ie. <ConfigurationSettings> <Setting name=”DeployStackify” …

Azure Installation: Management Certificate

In order for Retrace to give you the full power of our platform as an Azure subscriber, you will want to upload your encoded management certificate. This will allow us to more seamlessly and accurately monitor your environment, and it enables us to detect things like when an instance has been removed from your deployment, or when you have VIP-swapped …

Errors and Logs: Configure Web and Worker Roles Logs

If you are wanting to log directly via the Stackify API and want to control App Settings configuration from the Service Definition file, follow the steps below: The Service Definition File You will need to define the following properties in the ConfigurationSettings section of the Service Definition file as shown above: <ConfigurationSettings> <Setting name=”Stackify.ApiKey”/> <Setting name=”Stackify.AppName”/> <Setting name=”Stackify.Environment”/> </ConfigurationSettings> </WorkerRole> …