Alerts and Notifications: Alert Modal

The Alert Modal is the view that appears when you click into an Alert’s details. There are several ways to access the Alert details, in this document we will only go over the different aspects of the Modal itself. For more information on accessing the Alert details see Alerts and Notifications: Overview. Alert Details Overview Here in the Alert Modal …

Alerts and Notifications: Glossary

The glossary will be a helpful reference to learning all of the terms involved with Retrace’s Alerts and Notifications. Monitors A Monitor represents a specific source and type of data collected by Stackify. The collection mechanism is dependent upon the Monitor type. Example Monitor Types include: CPU % Memory Used SQL Query Monitor Website Check Monitor Error Rate Monitors and …

Performance: Traces

One of the ways we strive to deliver relevant insights is to only create Traces around interesting requests. Some examples of these request types that are interesting would be faster than normal, slower than normal, new web requests, requests introducing new SQL, requests introducing new exceptions, or abnormal Satisfaction scores. Under performing requests will be profiled more often than fast …

Performance: APM+ Overview

Retrace’s APM+ is a powerful feature and serves as a core part of our Application Monitoring service. The feature implements byte code inspection of apps, giving you method-level telemetry on code at run time. Use this tool to get instant insight on: Start time / end time and HTTP status codes HttpHandlers and HttpModules utilized in the IIS pipeline Call …

Performance: Tracked Functions

Tracked Functions essentially allow you to track a sub-transaction or block of code within a larger transaction. For example, they can be implemented for tracking various Elasticsearch queries to uniquely identify them. First you will need to add the StackifyLib dependency to your app: PM> Install-Package StackifyLib Once you have the StackifyLib installed you need to modify your code like …