Errors and Logs: Configure log4j

Downloads and Includes The stackify-log-log4j12 project is open source and hosted on GitHub here. Maven artifacts are available in the central Maven repository within a few hours after a new release. The group id is com.stackify. The artifact id is stackify-log-log4j12. Substitute the version number you wish to use in the dependency snippet below. <dependency> <groupId>com.stackify</groupId> <artifactId>stackify-log-log4j12</artifactId> <version>INSERT_LATEST_MAVEN_CENTRAL_VERSION</version> </dependency> …

Errors and Logs: Configure Logback

Downloads and Includes The stackify-log-logback project is open source and hosted on GitHub here. Maven artifacts are available in the central Maven repository within a few hours after a new release. The group id is com.stackify. The artifact id is stackify-log-logback. Substitute the version number you wish to use in the dependency snippet below. <dependency> <groupId>com.stackify</groupId> <artifactId>stackify-log-logback</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> </dependency> …

Custom Metrics: Configure for Java

Retrace supports the monitoring of custom metrics for Java web applications.  Metrics are reported to Stackify once a minute. They are only reported if you log a value within that minute time frame. See advanced settings below about overriding that default behavior. All metrics have a category and metric name. It is recommended to group similar metrics under a single category …

Release Notes: May 2014

Custom Date Ranges Want to zero in on metrics and diagnostics over a specific period of time to investigate an issue around the time that it occurred? Stackify now offers Custom Date Ranges to enable you to do just that. To learn about the details, view the Custom Date Ranges article.   HTTP Proxies By properly configuring the proxy to …

Errors and Logs: Configure Java Servlet Filters

To add additional logging from Servlet Filters follow the instructions in this document, to get the stackify-log-servlet project go to our GitHub Page. By using a Java Servlet Filter for your Java Apps, you will be able to capture web request details along with your log messages.  Stackify supports adding filters to J2EE and JAX-RS servlets. stackify-log-servlet needs to be …