Key Transaction Monitors allow you to quickly identify critical transactions (Web Requests and SQL Queries) that APM has discovered and add a layer of intelligent, proactive monitoring & alerting around them. They’ll all appear together in a sortable, filterable list complete with inline spark lines and access to deeper levels of data & customization. Default Key Transactions Whenever a new …
Custom Metrics: Configure for .NET
Below will outline the process of monitoring custom metrics from your .NET apps in Stackify. Getting the Metrics API Using NuGet Using NuGet from Visual Studio, it’s easy to add the Stackify API for Custom Metrics. If you just want Metrics, you can download the Stackify API. If you are integrating Stackify’s Error or Logging Appender into your project as …
FAQ: Is Retrace APM+ Safe for Production Servers?
Designed for Production Usage Application performance monitoring products like Retrace APM+ are amazingly powerful for understanding the performance and behavior of your web applications. The downside is that APM solutions can slow down your applications due to their overhead. From day one we have designed Retrace APM+ to be very lightweight and safe for production servers. Three key reasons why …
App Monitors: Overview
Once you see your apps in Retrace, you will be able load the App’s Dashboard by clicking on the app’s name and configure monitors and alerts so you can be notified of any issues that may arise. You can expand the Environment name to view Servers, Key Transactions, Errors, and Website metrics that are associated with that App/Environment combination. Configuring …
Custom Metrics: Overview
Using the Stackify Custom Metrics API, you can easily report, log, and monitor any number of custom metrics, business KPIs, and other important business or application events that could provide insights into application or user behavior. With Stackify, you can monitor, trend, and setup alerts for these important events, making them an actionable part of your overall application health picture. …
Release Notes: December 2014
A New Ruby API Now in Testing For those interested in beta testing the new Ruby Logging API and Metrics API you can do so by visiting the Stackify Github page. JBoss EAP 6.x Support Stackify now supports JBoss EAP 6.x. After adding a JMX connection for JBoss, your apps will be discovered and MBean smart defaults will …
Custom Metrics: Configure for Java
Retrace supports the monitoring of custom metrics for Java web applications. Metrics are reported to Stackify once a minute. They are only reported if you log a value within that minute time frame. See advanced settings below about overriding that default behavior. All metrics have a category and metric name. It is recommended to group similar metrics under a single category …