Deployment Tracking: Overview

Stackify now offers Deployment Tracking inside of Retrace.  Deployment Tracking is extremely valuable so you can see when deployments happened and how they affected your application’s performance.  There will be visual indicators on your timelines when these events took place and you can easily use them to drill down into metrics that will give you an exact idea of what …

Performance: APM+ Overview

Retrace’s APM+ is a powerful feature and serves as a core part of our Application Monitoring service. The feature implements byte code inspection of apps, giving you method-level telemetry on code at run time. Use this tool to get instant insight on: Start time / end time and HTTP status codes HttpHandlers and HttpModules utilized in the IIS pipeline Call …

.NET Agent Installation: Advanced Topics

In some circumstances, you may find you need to install the APM+ Profiler for .NET in a manner other than the default installation approach. This documentation covers those outside-the-norm installation methods that are available to you. You will also find some additional details here about how the .NET Profiler works. Technical and Performance Notes Performance The Retrace .NET Profiler has …

Performance: APM+ Requests

While in the Performance (APM+) tab within the App Dashboard there is a sub tab called By Requests. The By Requests tab allows you detailed insight into your applications request chain as well as information on the traces that are taken. By clicking on the requested actions link listed below the Satisfaction chart, you will be taken to an individual …

Performance: Dashboard Overview

There are three sections to the Dashboard tab inside the App Dashboard that allow you a quick insight to how your app is performing overall. By default the App Dashboard is filtered by the App/Environment that you selected from the Web Apps list. Health The Health section is always expanded by default upon entering the Dashboard tab of the App …