Performance: APM+ Requests

While in the Performance (APM+) tab within the App Dashboard there is a sub tab called By Requests. The By Requests tab allows you detailed insight into your applications request chain as well as information on the traces that are taken. By clicking on the requested actions link listed below the Satisfaction chart, you will be taken to an individual …

Retrace: Supported .NET Technologies and 3rd Party Libraries

The following frameworks are automatically supported by Retrace. The APM+ profiler traces will include details from these libraries with no additional configuration. Please note that most async functions are supported in the following libraries as well. For services that are running on your servers, you can also set up monitors for them. UI Frameworks WebForms MVC Web API WCF Nancy …

Monitors: Web Sites

With Retrace’s Web Site Monitors, you can monitor websites both from outside your network and inside (behind the firewall) – great for both public-facing sites as well as intranet sites. Monitor performance, status codes returned, and even the content on pages to make sure your app is running smoothly at all times. Adding a Web Site Monitor From the Web …