Retrace: Supported Java Application Containers and Frameworks

This list will reflect an up-to-date list of supported technologies. The following technologies are automatically supported by Retrace in Java APM+. Containers Application Containers Apache Tomcat (6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x) GlassFish (4.x) JBoss AS 6.x, 7.x WildFly 8.x, 9.x, 10.x WildFly Swarm Jetty 8.x, 9.x Spring Boot Oracle WebLogic (12.x) IBM WebSphere (8.x, 9.x, Liberty) Apache TomEE (1.7.x, 7.0.x) Netty (3.x) Application Container …

Retrace: Supported .NET Technologies and 3rd Party Libraries

The following frameworks are automatically supported by Retrace. The APM+ profiler traces will include details from these libraries with no additional configuration. Please note that most async functions are supported in the following libraries as well. For services that are running on your servers, you can also set up monitors for them. UI Frameworks WebForms MVC Web API WCF Nancy …

Release Notes: November 2014

The two biggest features of this latest release includes the new Filter and Fields functionality and the new monitor results view for your monitors. New Filter and Fields Capabilities The new version of Stackify includes more powerful Filter and Fields functionality to be able to easily sift through your errors and logs.  With this comes an enhanced interface so you …