Release Notes: November 2014

The two biggest features of this latest release includes the new Filter and Fields functionality and the new monitor results view for your monitors.

New Filter and Fields Capabilities

The new version of Stackify includes more powerful Filter and Fields functionality to be able to easily sift through your errors and logs.  With this comes an enhanced interface so you can organize the messages that appears.  You can add filters based on field names so that you can isolate results much more than before.  To learn more about these functionalities, view the new documentation entitled Filters and Fields.


New Filter and Fields Capabilities


Monitor Results Screen

The monitor results screen that you get to by selecting an individual monitor has gotten a refreshed look.  You can now get more information about your monitor results in the new monitor details view.  You will get a more detailed trend chart with time filtering capabilities, listing of current alerts and alert history, and the details of all monitor configurations affecting a monitor.


Monitor Results Screen


PHP Logging via Syslog

Php logging is now fully supported!  Errors and Logs can be be configured be forwarded to syslog and uploaded to Stackify.  Monolog, Zend, and Log4Php libraries are also supported as long as they can send logs to syslog.  To read more about PHP support through Syslog, click here.

Note: Logging to syslog is only available for Linux machines running a Stackify agent.

Oracle Database Support for Windows

With the release of our latest agent, along with Linux devices, we now support connections to Oracle Databases in Stackify for Windows devices.


Oracle Database Support for Windows