Performance: Non-Web Transactions

By default Retrace only tracks web transactions, however, it can be used to track non web transactions with some minor code changes. This article discusses tracking non web requests and could be applied to background work within a web app, a windows service, console app, or other types of service apps. You must first configure Retrace to know about and …

Retrace: Supported .NET Technologies and 3rd Party Libraries

The following frameworks are automatically supported by Retrace. The APM+ profiler traces will include details from these libraries with no additional configuration. Please note that most async functions are supported in the following libraries as well. For services that are running on your servers, you can also set up monitors for them. UI Frameworks WebForms MVC Web API WCF Nancy …

Custom Metrics: Overview

Using the Stackify Custom Metrics API, you can easily report, log, and monitor any number of custom metrics, business KPIs, and other important business or application events that could provide insights into application or user behavior. With Stackify, you can monitor, trend, and setup alerts for these important events, making them an actionable part of your overall application health picture. …

Errors and Logs: Configure log4net

You can get started logging with log4net with minimal changes to your project. You essentially just add a few DLLs to your project and then add some configuration details to your .config file specifying an additional (or replacement) log appender.  The appender is available via Nuget in Visual Studio and additional documentation can be found on our Github page. Getting …