Java on Windows Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for WildFly (10)

If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: WildFly Installation (10.x) Command Line Locate the standalone.conf.bat file and add: set “JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:[APM JAR LOCATION]” To see a list of …

Java on Windows Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for Glassfish 4

If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Glassfish Installation (4.x) Command Line Add the following line to the java-config section to domain.xml: <jvm-options>-javaagent:”[APM JAR LOCATION]”</jvm-options> To see …

Java on Windows Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for Jetty (8, 9)

If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Jetty Installation (8.x, 9.x) Command Line Adjust jetty start command to include -javaagent: java -javaagent:”[APM JAR LOCATION]” -jar %JETTY_HOME/start.jar To see …

Java Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for Jetty (8, 9)

If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Jetty Installation (8.x, 9.x) Locate the file and add: # Stackify Java APM+ JAVA_OPTIONS=”$JAVA_OPTIONS -javaagent:/usr/local/stackify/stackify-java-apm/stackify-java-apm.jar” Restart Jetty To see a …

Java Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for WildFly (8, 9, 10)

If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: WildFly Installation (8.x,9.x,10.x) Locate the standalone.conf file and add: -javaagent:/usr/local/stackify/stackify-java-apm/stackify-java-apm.jar Add the Stackify APM package name com.stackify.apm to the existing …

Java Agent Installation: Configure Docker Containers

Docker  and Docker Swarm Support Installation of the Stackify agent is required on the docker host system, it should not be installed on containers. See our guide to install the Linux agent here. When installing the agent on the docker host add the  –docker argument to the installation script. This grants the agent access to view docker container stats: wget –output-document=stackify.tar.gz && tar …

Retrace: Supported Java Application Containers and Frameworks

This list will reflect an up-to-date list of supported technologies. The following technologies are automatically supported by Retrace in Java APM+. Containers Application Containers Apache Tomcat (6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x) GlassFish (4.x) JBoss AS 6.x, 7.x WildFly 8.x, 9.x, 10.x WildFly Swarm Jetty 8.x, 9.x Spring Boot Oracle WebLogic (12.x) IBM WebSphere (8.x, 9.x, Liberty) Apache TomEE (1.7.x, 7.0.x) Netty (3.x) Application Container …