If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Glassfish (4.x) Add the following line to the java-config section of the Glassfish domain.xml file. <jvm-options>-javaagent:/usr/local/stackify/stackify-java-apm/stackify-java-apm.jar</jvm-options> Restart the Glassfish service.
Java on Windows Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for Glassfish 4
If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Glassfish Installation (4.x) Command Line Add the following line to the java-config section to domain.xml: <jvm-options>-javaagent:”[APM JAR LOCATION]”</jvm-options> To see …