In Prefix you may notice that some events that do not profile. By default, the Stackify .NET APM+ Profiler only instruments key, pre-defined events in the IIS pipeline and page lifecycle. One of the key benefits of the profiler, however, is that you may instrument how long any .NET method takes to execute and include that output in the call …
Custom Profiling: Configure for Java
The custom configuration file needs to be named ‘stackify-apm.json’ and be located in the classpath. You can configure additional classes and methods that you want to instrument. Example: [{ “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “methodToBeInstrumented” }, { “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “anotherMethodToBeInstrumented” }] You can also add custom instrumentation to classes by using @Trace Annotation. See more information on our Github page here: …