With our June release comes our full General Availability release of APM+, new functionality around sharing errors, Stackify integrations, and a number of other new features and improvements.
APM+ General Availability Release
Thank you for all the feedback on our new APM+ product. With this GA release comes a lot of performance optimizations and UI improvements to help organize all the incoming data. Below are some new features that implements APM+ into your Errors and Logs if you happen to be taking advantage of our Smart Errors and Logs Management tool.
Trace View in Errors and Logs
Integrations for Stackify
We are now adding support for integrations into Stackify. Currently we support sending Stackify Errors into Jira and Stackify Alerts into Slack. Configuring these integrations can be done by going to the Settings page and locating the “Integrations” section on the right side of the page. To view detailed instructions on how to set up the integrations, view our documentation here.
Be notified over Slack of all Stackify Alerts. This is very useful for quickly notifying your team of potential problems. To see more on configuration steps, see the Slack section.
Send an exception in Stackify from the Errors Details view over to Jira as a work item. If using Jira already, taking advantage of this integration will be very helpful in getting logged errors found in Stackify in front of your team. See the configuration steps in the Jira section.
Sharing Exceptions from the Error Details View
By clicking on an exception in the Errors Dashboard, you now have several options of how to share an exception you encountered in Stackify with your team. Share these error exceptions through a link, email, or pushing the error to Jira. View our Error Details article for more documentation on sharing errors in Stackify.