Deployment Tracking: API Code Samples

The ClientWebAPI exposes command endpoints that can start, complete, or cancel a deployment request. A Deployment Request is applied to an app environment at the specified version. The app environment is identified by the string keys AppName and EnvironmentName. The deployment request Version is also an identifying string. When evaluating the current state of a deployment request, it will be located by these three strings. We do some basic validation to …

.NET Agent Installation: Enable Classic IIS App Pools

When Stackify Retrace or Prefix is installed, StackifyHttpModule is registered in IIS. If you are using “classic” application pools, they will not automatically use Stackify’s module. To fix this you can either add the module to your application’s web.config and redeploy your app, or modify the master web.config on your server or PC to reference the module. Note: Some APM features …

Prefix: Viewing Application Logs

Prefix supports viewing logs from log4net or NLog in your profiling traces. To enable viewing your logs, you need to add the Stackify nuget packages for the logging appenders and ensure they are properly configured. When prompted for an ApiKey, leave it blank. You do not need a Stackify account.     NLog (view docs) PM>Install-Package StackifyLib.NLog log4net (view docs) …