Errors and Logs: Configure Standalone Logwatcher

The main purpose of the Standalone Logwatcher is to monitor a file you find important, like the Apache log for example. You can use the Standalone Logwatcher to upload the contents of these files as they are updated to Retrace which then the contents will be view-able via the Logs Dashboard. Only one file can be monitored per path, if you …

Java Agent Installation: Configure APM+ on Standalone Applications

Pre-Requisites: 1) Application must be setup with our custom configuration or be using one our supported Non-WebApp frameworks (Quartz, Spring Batch, Akka). Please follow these steps here first: Configure Custom Profiling for Java. 2) Application must be setup as a Linux Service. 3) Linux Agent Installed   Example using annotations: import com.stackify.apm.Trace; @Trace public class ClassToBeInstrumented { @Trace(start = true) …