.NET Agent Installation: Configure Self Hosted Web API

Retrace automatically supports Web API transactions that are hosted within an IIS application. If you are “self hosting” Web API in a Windows Service, please use these directions. 1. Configure Retrace to know about and profile your application By default Retrace only profiles IIS applications. Please review this article on how to tell it to profile your application: .NET Agent Installation: Configure …

Prefix: Activation Topics

Internet access Prefix requires internet access for the initial activation and registration process. Once properly activated, you can then run Prefix without an active connection. Be sure that your machine can reach https://s1.stackify.com and that the certificate path is trusted. Behind proxy server If you’re trying to register Prefix from behind a proxy server, we have a detailed guide that explains …

Prefix: System Configuration Changes

Prefix makes the following configuration changes: Note: Using the Prefix UI to disable the profiler will remove the registry and environment keys for profiling IIS related config changes: 1. StackifyHttpModule is added to the GAC 2. StackifyHttpModule is added to the IIS Express global config file 3. StackifyHttpModule is added to the IIS config file (if IIS is installed) 4. …

Prefix: Advanced settings for ASP.NET

The follow settings can be set for an ASP.NET web application to change the behavior of how the StackifyHttpModule and Prefix works. Change reporting Url for a request You can use the StackifyLib nuget package to customize the request name (Url or action) for any request. StackifyLib.ProfileTracer.SetReportingUrl(“Custom.Reporting.Url”); App info settings These settings can be set in your web.config appSettings. Specify …

Prefix: Configuring Proxies

If you have a network architecture that requires internet traffic to flow through a proxy server, this guide will help you ensure that Prefix can communicate out through your proxy server seamlessly. Configuring the proxy is done by creating a file in the agent’s folder (C:Program Files (x86)Stackify Prefix by default) called CustomAgent.config.  Below is an example of how to populate …

Custom Profiling: Configure for Java

The custom configuration file needs to be named ‘stackify-apm.json’ and be located in the classpath. You can configure additional classes and methods that you want to instrument. Example: [{ “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “methodToBeInstrumented” }, { “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “anotherMethodToBeInstrumented” }] You can also add custom instrumentation to classes by using @Trace Annotation. See more information on our Github page here: …