In Prefix you may notice that some events that do not profile. By default, the Stackify .NET APM+ Profiler only instruments key, pre-defined events in the IIS pipeline and page lifecycle. One of the key benefits of the profiler, however, is that you may instrument how long any .NET method takes to execute and include that output in the call …
Prefix: Activation Topics
Internet access Prefix requires internet access for the initial activation and registration process. Once properly activated, you can then run Prefix without an active connection. Be sure that your machine can reach and that the certificate path is trusted. Behind proxy server If you’re trying to register Prefix from behind a proxy server, we have a detailed guide that explains …
Prefix: Missing ASP.NET Module Names
Prefix can automatically track the names of your ASP.NET HTTP modules. This can be very useful for troubleshooting performance problems caused by a module. If you do not see module names as shown in the image below, you may need to make a config change to your computer. To collect the names of your modules, the Stackify profiler requires that Tracing …
Prefix: Uninstall or Disable
How to Disable Prefix: To disable the Profiler, use the Prefix UI and select “Disable profiler” How to Remove Prefix: To remove the StackifyHttpModule from IIS or IIS Express, please execute these commands below. Remove from IIS config: %windir%system32inetsrvappcmd.exe delete module “StackifyHttpModule_Net40” %windir%system32inetsrvappcmd.exe delete module “StackifyHttpModule_Net20” Remove from global IIS Express config: %programfiles(x86)%IIS Expressappcmd.exe delete module “StackifyHttpModule_Net40” %programfiles(x86)%IIS Expressappcmd.exe delete …
Azure Installation: Manually Configure App Services Site Extension
The easiest way to install Stackify APM+ for Azure App Services is via the Site Extension. This guide describes how to do it all manually and it is not recommended if you can use the Site Extension. 1. Create folder path for the site extension: D:\home\SiteExtensions\Stackify.AzureWebApps Do not put any files in the site extension folder. 2. Create folder path …
Prefix: Hostname Bindings for Localhost or Remote Access
Prefix can be set to allow remote access to it’s UI. By default Prefix only responds to traffic for the host name’s localhost and on port 2012. If you cannot use “localhost” on your local machine for some reason, or want to access Prefix from another server, you can set Prefix to also bind to additional host names. Find …
Custom Profiling: Configure for Java
The custom configuration file needs to be named ‘stackify-apm.json’ and be located in the classpath. You can configure additional classes and methods that you want to instrument. Example: [{ “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “methodToBeInstrumented” }, { “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “anotherMethodToBeInstrumented” }] You can also add custom instrumentation to classes by using @Trace Annotation. See more information on our Github page here: …
Prefix: Configuring Proxies
If you have a network architecture that requires internet traffic to flow through a proxy server, this guide will help you ensure that Prefix can communicate out through your proxy server seamlessly. Configuring the proxy is done by creating a file in the agent’s folder (C:Program Files (x86)Stackify Prefix by default) called CustomAgent.config. Below is an example of how to populate …