Troubleshoot: Common Azure App Service Issues

Below are common Azure App Service issues. ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ Not Found If you encounter the error “Could not load file or assembly ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.”, download and install our NuGet package that will install the module into your project: Nuget: Stackify Http Module Using the “WEBSITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION” Azure Setting We can’t support APM …

Azure Installation: Configure Azure App Services

Retrace’s powerful web application performance monitoring (APM+) is fully supported on Azure Web Apps. All APM related features are supported, such as identifying slow web pages, slow database queries, and viewing complete method level profile traces. Note: Some basic monitoring features like monitoring IIS metrics, WMI, and performance counters are not supported via Microsoft, and therefore not supported by Retrace. …

Azure Installation: Management Certificate

In order for Retrace to give you the full power of our platform as an Azure subscriber, you will want to upload your encoded management certificate. This will allow us to more seamlessly and accurately monitor your environment, and it enables us to detect things like when an instance has been removed from your deployment, or when you have VIP-swapped …