Java Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for Tomcat (6, 7, 8)

If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Tomcat Installation (6.x, 7.x, 8.x) Locate the file and add: # Stackify Java APM+ CATALINA_OPTS=”$CATALINA_OPTS -javaagent:/usr/local/stackify/stackify-java-apm/stackify-java-apm.jar” Restart the Tomcat service …

Release Notes: Linux Agent 2.0 & Java APM 1.15

Release Overview Release Date: 6/21/17 Additional Agent Installation Options Support for Additional Application Servers Release Features Apt and Yum Support for Agent Installation and Update sudo apt-get install stackify-agent sudo yum install stackify-agent Agent Installation on Amazon EBS Support for Additional Application Servers Oracle WebLogic (12.x) IBM WebSphere (8.x, 9.x, Liberty) Apache TomEE (1.7.x, 7.0.x) Bug Fixes APM async tracking …

Release Notes: Linux Agent 2.1 & Java APM 1.16

Release Overview Release Date: 7/31/17 APM for Java Services Release Features APM for Java Services Defining the service transactions can be accomplished using our annotation library (stackify-java-apm-annot) or custom JSON configuration. If the service uses Quartz or Spring Batch, no code changes are required (both work out of the box). Additional APM Application Server Instrumentation WildFly Swarm Adobe AEM Additional …

Release Notes: Windows Agent 4.8

Release Overview Release Date: 9/18/2017 Notable Feature: APM for Azure WebJobs Release Features Azure WebJob Support Azure WebJob Discovery – continuous discovery of Azure WebJobs Azure WebJob APM – full support of Azure WebJobs Azure Installation: Configure Azure WebJobs Extended APM Web External Tracking Moving away from tracking at the domain level and starting to track the complete tokenized URL for …

Performance: APM+ Overview

Retrace’s APM+ is a powerful feature and serves as a core part of our Application Monitoring service. The feature implements byte code inspection of apps, giving you method-level telemetry on code at run time. Use this tool to get instant insight on: Start time / end time and HTTP status codes HttpHandlers and HttpModules utilized in the IIS pipeline Call …

Azure Installation: Configure Azure Functions

Retrace supports Azure Functions in App Service Plan mode. It will treat Azure Functions as a transaction, similar to a web application or a Tracked Function.  It supports all of the same dependencies and will provide all of the same great insights to application performance as it does for web applications and windows services. Note: Retrace does not work in “consumption” …

Azure Installation: Configure Azure WebJobs

Retrace now supports Azure WebJobs.  Azure WebJobs provide an easy way to run scripts or programs as background processes in the context of an App Service web app, API app, or mobile app. Retrace will provide all of the same great insights to application performance as it does for web applications and windows services. Within Retrace, WebJobs will be monitored …

Java Agent Installation: Configure Docker Containers

Docker  and Docker Swarm Support Installation of the Stackify agent is required on the docker host system, it should not be installed on containers. See our guide to install the Linux agent here. When installing the agent on the docker host add the  –docker argument to the installation script. This grants the agent access to view docker container stats: wget –output-document=stackify.tar.gz && tar …