Prefix: System Configuration Changes

Prefix makes the following configuration changes: Note: Using the Prefix UI to disable the profiler will remove the registry and environment keys for profiling IIS related config changes: 1. StackifyHttpModule is added to the GAC 2. StackifyHttpModule is added to the IIS Express global config file 3. StackifyHttpModule is added to the IIS config file (if IIS is installed) 4. …

FAQ: How Do I Avoid Deploying the Retrace Agent in Azure On Roles That I Do Not Want to Monitor?

If you followed our instructions for deploying to Azure roles but want to make sure that you don’t install the agent on certain roles (roles used for Dev or QA for example), you can do something like the following to perform a selective deployment. Selective Deployment Instructions 1. Add a config setting to ServiceDefinition.csdef called “DeployStackify”, ie. <ConfigurationSettings> <Setting name=”DeployStackify” …