If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line to the corresponding config file depending on your installation: Tomcat Installation (6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x) Command Line Locate the catalina.bat file and add: set CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -javaagent:”[APM JAR LOCATION] Restart the …
Release Notes: Linux Agent 2.8
Release Overview Release Date: 02/28/2018 Azure Kubernetes Support on Linux Jenkins Plugin for Deployment Tracking Release Features Azure Kubernetes Support on Linux We now support APM and discovery for Azure Kubernetes (both AKS and ACS). Users will be able to install the agent on Kubernetes nodes via the extension or through Azure Automation. Once installed, the nodes will appear in …
Release Notes: Linux Agent 2.7
Release Overview Release Date: 01/24/2018 Added ability to install the Agent on an Azure Linux VM via an Azure Extension. Extended Linux support Release Features Azure Extension for Linux Agent Installation We now support the ability to install the Agent on an Azure Linux VM via an Azure Extension. Added Instrumentation for Spring Thymeleaf, Spring 5, and Java EE Servlet …
Retrace: APM+ Overview
Retrace is a powerful new feature and serves as a core part of our Application Monitoring service. The feature implements byte code inspection of Java apps, giving you method-level telemetry on CLR code at run time. Use this tool to get instant insight on: Start time / end time and HTTP status codes HttpHandlers and HttpModules utilized in the IIS …
Java Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for WebSphere Liberty (8, 9)
If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please add the following line in the corresponding file for WebSphere Liberty: WebSphere Liberty Installation: Create a text file named jvm.options. Insert the javaagent argument into this file. -javaagent:/usr/local/stackify/stackify-java-apm/stackify-java-apm.jar Depending on your preferences, you might configure a …
Java Agent Installation: Enable APM+ for Play Framework
If you have not already installed an agent on a server where your app lives, please see our Installation Documentation. Once the agent has been installed, please follow the steps below depending on your version of the Play Framework. Play Framework 1.2.x-1.4.x Before running your application, enter the following command: export JAVA_OPTS=’-javaagent:/usr/local/stackify/stackify-java-apm/stackify-java-apm.jar’ Then start the app: ./play run {app_name} Play Framework …
Errors and Logs: Supported Java Frameworks
Supported Java frameworks to configure Error and Log management in Retrace. For all of the supported framework-specific setup and configuration instructions, follow the appropriate links below: Java Log4J Logback Java Stackify API Collecting Server Logs Syslog
Release Notes: Linux Agent 2.5
Release Overview Release Date: 11/20/17 Release Features Netty/Akka Framework Support Added support for the Netty and Akka frameworks in APM. Release Enhancements Java APM Async instrumentation has been improved. Netty 4.x Akka 3.x Bug Fixes Fixed some values getting duplicated in JBoss/Postgres requests. Fixed a single incident issue where Java APM was causing a SQL problem for a specific setup.