Alerts and Notifications: Mobile View

Email and SMS notifications can be snoozed and acknowledged from a mobile device with the mobile view of alerts. Below will show you how to navigate through this mobile view. After logging into Retrace on your device, you will be brought to a simple screen that will display all of your alerts. Here you can easily select a view by …

Monitors: Queues

If you take advantage of Azure Service Bus, you will likely want to keep an eye on your Queues, Topics, and Subscriptions. Here’s how to do it. Configuring Service Bus Queues From the Queue Monitors page, you will be able to add new Azure Queue and RabbitMQ Monitors. Azure Queues Configure an Azure Connection You will have an option to …

Release Notes: April 2015

Below will highlight the 3 big additions to the latest version of Stackify: APM+ (beta) Updated Alert Settings and Maintenance Windows Mobile Views for Alerts APM+ Beta Feature We are proud to announce our new APM+ feature for .NET apps. This will allow you to gain valuable insight about your apps and what components are bottlenecks. Just enable the CLR …