Deployment Tracking: API Request Archive

The Deployment API Requests screen (shown below), provides a history of all the deployment requests accepted by our API. The first step when troubleshooting deployment issues should be to go to this page and verify our API actually received a request. Once our API receives a request to complete the deployment and performs initial validation (returning an HTTP 202 response if successful), it …

Release Notes: November 2017 Platform

Release Overview Release Date: 11/13/17 Notable Feature: Deployment Tracking API Auditing View This release addresses a number of small bug fixes. Release Features Deployment Tracking Auditing View Retrace now lists an audit of Deployments being tracked within Retrace. This will allow users to view the history of when they made a deployment. Learn more about deployment tracking and why you …

Release Notes: September 2017 Platform

Release Overview Release Date: 9/20/17 Notable Feature: New Deployment Tracking Feature Notable Feature: Full Support for Azure WebJobs Third party integration with Axosoft Release Features Deployment Tracking This grants the ability to see when deployments happened, what environment they happened in, and how they affected your application’s performance. There will be deployment markers on your timelines within Retrace when these …

Deployment Tracking: Manual Setup

Stackify now offers Deployment Tracking inside of Retrace.  Deployment Tracking is extremely valuable so you can see when deployments happened and how the affected your application’s performance.  There will be visual indicators on your timelines when these events took place and you can easily use them to drill down into metrics that will give you an exact idea of what …

Deployment Tracking: API Code Samples

The ClientWebAPI exposes command endpoints that can start, complete, or cancel a deployment request. A Deployment Request is applied to an app environment at the specified version. The app environment is identified by the string keys AppName and EnvironmentName. The deployment request Version is also an identifying string. When evaluating the current state of a deployment request, it will be located by these three strings. We do some basic validation to …

Deployment Tracking: Overview

Stackify now offers Deployment Tracking inside of Retrace.  Deployment Tracking is extremely valuable so you can see when deployments happened and how they affected your application’s performance.  There will be visual indicators on your timelines when these events took place and you can easily use them to drill down into metrics that will give you an exact idea of what …

Troubleshoot: Common Azure App Service Issues

Below are common Azure App Service issues. ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ Not Found If you encounter the error “Could not load file or assembly ‘StackifyHttpTracer’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.”, download and install our NuGet package that will install the module into your project: Nuget: Stackify Http Module Using the “WEBSITE_LOCAL_CACHE_OPTION” Azure Setting We can’t support APM …