Retrace: Supported .NET Technologies and 3rd Party Libraries

The following frameworks are automatically supported by Retrace. The APM+ profiler traces will include details from these libraries with no additional configuration. Please note that most async functions are supported in the following libraries as well. For services that are running on your servers, you can also set up monitors for them. UI Frameworks WebForms MVC Web API WCF Nancy …

Release Notes: APM+ v2.3

You may have heard about our newest version of our APM+ product. Read below to see the new improvements to stability and performance. APM+ v2.3 is Here! Since our beta version APM was introduced earlier this year, a lot of work has been put into improving the performance and stability APM+, along with adding support for more libraries and .NET …

Errors and Logs: Configure Stackify API for .NET

You can log messages directly via the Stackify API without the use of a logging framework.  You can get more information at the Stackify Github page. Please note that we recommend using NLog, Serilog, or log4net. Those frameworks allow you to send your logs to multiple different outputs. If you decide to not use Stackify products in the future, your …