Custom Profiling: Configure for Java

The custom configuration file needs to be named ‘stackify-apm.json’ and be located in the classpath. You can configure additional classes and methods that you want to instrument. Example: [{ “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “methodToBeInstrumented” }, { “Class”: “com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented”, “Method”: “anotherMethodToBeInstrumented” }] You can also add custom instrumentation to classes by using @Trace Annotation. See more information on our Github page here: …

Web Log Monitoring: Configure Apache Applications

The Retrace Monitoring Agent can monitor the health of your Apache web application, including Requests/min vs Average Page Load time, HTTP Request Error Rate, and Apdex Satisfaction Score. To enable Retrace to monitor your Apache web application from the Monitoring Agent, there are a couple of things to make sure of. Configuring Apache’s apache2.conf Logging Settings Within apache2.conf or each …

Web Log Monitoring: Configure Nginx Applications

The Retrace Monitoring Agent can monitor the health of your web application, including Requests/min vs Average Page Load time, HTTP Request Error Rate, and Apdex Satisfaction Score. To enable Retrace to monitor your Nginx web application from the Monitoring Agent, there are a couple of things to make sure of. Configuring Access Logs and Log Formats The Retrace Monitoring Agent …

Custom Profiling: Configure for .NET

By default, the Retrace .NET APM+ Profiler only instruments key, pre-defined events in the IIS pipeline and page life cycle. One of the key benefits of the profiler is that you may instrument tracing of how long any .NET method takes to execute and include that output in the call stack. In deciding what to profile, keep in mind the …

HTTP Proxies: Configure

If you have a network architecture that requires internet traffic to flow through a proxy server, this guide will help you ensure that Retrace can communicate out through your proxy server seamlessly. Before you proceed through these steps, you need to ensure that YUM or APT are configured to use the proxy as the Stackify Linux Agent installer will use …

Custom Metrics: Overview

Using the Stackify Custom Metrics API, you can easily report, log, and monitor any number of custom metrics, business KPIs, and other important business or application events that could provide insights into application or user behavior. With Stackify, you can monitor, trend, and setup alerts for these important events, making them an actionable part of your overall application health picture. …