Servers: Remove A Server Programmatically

This article is intended to help you leverage Stackify’s API by making a REST service call to programmatically remove Retrace instances from the Servers page of Retrace. To see how to remove servers from the Retrace portal, see the “How Do I Remove a Server” article. Below are the REST calls to the API for both Windows and Linux machines …

Troubleshoot: Adding Exceptions to a Firewall

The following service endpoints are firewall exceptions that your server may need for the Retrace agent to work correctly on your network.  The preference is to allow the domain name because the IP addresses listed below are subject to change without notification. These endpoints or IP addresses need to explicitly have port 443 (outbound) allowed: Agent-Related Networks Domain IP Address TCP Ports  443 …

Servers: Overview

On this page you will get an overview of all the active servers installed on your account, which can be grouped and displayed by Operating System or Environment. Here is where you can view the Server Dashboard, Remove the Server, view the Server Details, Modify Monitors, and Manage Access. Server Dashboard In the Server Dashboard view, you get access to …

Environments: Overview

In the Environments page, you will be able to configure various settings for each of your Environments in Retrace. These settings include agent auto update settings and how exceptions are collected via Retrace APM+. To edit Environment settings go to Settings > Manage > Environments Here you can see the list of Environments your currently have as well as their …

Servers: Remove A Server

There may be times when you want to remove a server or add back a server that you removed previously. Here are the steps: Click on the Settings Icon for the server you want to remove Find “Remove Server” Confirm the Removal Once the button is pressed a remote command is sent to the agent to uninstall. In order to …